Sunday Sessions - 22nd of November
Ash Kennedy, Woodes, Jacquie Lomas, Chris Lanzon and Kymie. Photos supplied.
As the weather heats up and Melbourne continues to return to normal, I’m starting to think more and more about how I can contribute to music at a grassroots level. It’s something that I think isn’t always executed as well as it could be in Australia, mainly because people (myself sometimes included) struggle to be altruistic when there’s not enough pie to go around.
We’ve got to be as nurturing as possible of the next generation as possible. That can be musicians, writers, publicists, booking agents, managers and everyone in between. We’ve got to be thinking about how we can leave the industry better than we found it. If you’ve got any thoughts on how we can do this, I’d love to have a chat. I don’t have all the spare time in the world these days, but I’m always looking to do as much as I can to help Australian music.
Personally, I’ve had a really good week this week. We saw my girlfriend’s mum and sister this week, and they brought over their gorgeous cavoodle. The cavoodle and our golden retriever get on like a house on fire, and it’s amazing how much energy two dogs can have. 2020 has been a write-off of a year, but I can’t help but feel I’ve come out the other side of it in a better place than ever. I think I’m very lucky in that regard.
This week, I spoke to Woodes about her new album Crystal Ball, and Chris Lanzon about his new single New York, Falling Apart. I also reviewed new tracks from Ash Kennedy, Jacquie Lomas and Kymie (featuring Kwame). Check out the articles below, as well as the updated Spotify playlist!
Ash Kennedy's ‘Chocolate In The Morning’ Is As Sweet As Any Treat
INTERVIEW: Woodes' Debut Album ‘Crystal Ball’ Will Soundtrack Your Next Quest
Jacquie Lomas Spits Some Hard Truths On ‘Yeah Nah’
INTERVIEW: Chris Lanzon Gives Advice On Life, Love And How To Move On