PREMIERE: Perth Producer Jarrod Jeremiah's ‘Japanese Morning’ Is Infectiously Catchy

Jarrod Jeremiah. Photo supplied.

Jarrod Jeremiah. Photo supplied.

Perth producer Jarrod Jeremiah is about to release his new song, Japanese Morning, and it’ll put a spring in your step. It’s charming, upbeat electronic music, and I’m a big fan of the way Jarrod weaves his way through different genres with each release.

I’m premiering the track right now, and I spoke to Jarrod about the release. Check out Japanese Morning below, and find out all about the song in my chat with Jarrod!

Firstly, can you introduce yourself and your music?

I’m Jarrod! An 18 year-old producer/singer-songwriter from Perth, Australia. I have been making music now for around 3 years but have been playing drums and many other instruments nearly my whole life. My music is sort of bedroom pop meets electronic combined with whatever genres I like at the time, sometimes that jazz, trap really whatever I’m feeling!

You’re just about to release your new single Japanese Morning – can you tell me the story behind the track?

Japanese Morning all started when I made a very catchy keyboard loop. The second I made the beat, I was jumping around in my bedroom studio and I wanted to make the chorus something everyone could jump around and vibe to.

You’ve been writing music for a few years now – as you’ve learnt more and more, what have you seen change about both yourself and the music you’re writing?

Writing music for a few years has taken my music from just words put together that kind of make no sense fast forward to really making something people can sing along to, but also isn’t just a generic love song. Writing music and songwriting I find the hardest for as I’m an instrumentalist first and love the production side of music.

I know you’re someone that’s big on the marketing side of music. How did you get interested in that aspect of the music industry, and how would you recommend other musicians sharpen their marketing skills?

I’ve always been business-minded and have gotten very interested in the marketing side of music just by watching and consuming every single music business-related piece of content on the internet. Trust me, it’s hard for me to find a video I haven’t watched.

For other musicians to sharpen their marketing skills, I would suggest that they not only consume as much educational content as possible but also try different and creative ways to put their music out there! Some may work and some may not, but that’s what’s so fun about it!

Building on that, you’re someone that I think uses social media very well. Has that always come naturally to you, or was that very much a learning process?

I’m by no means a professional in social media, but growing up with it of course has its advantages. It has definitely been a mix of coming naturally but also learning a lot, after all, I am studying marketing at university - that’s how much it interests me!

Bedroom pop has become somewhat of a catch-all term for musicians making music at home. To you, what does the term actually mean?

To be honest, I never even knew bedroom pop was a genre a year ago. The term to me doesn’t specifically mean a genre, but a way of life (as corny as that sounds). When making music, I feel at home in my studio (my bedroom) and nothing else can replicate the vibe in there.

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Finally, what are your next few steps, both personally and music-wise?

I have big ambitions for my music and myself personally, I want to inspire others to create and also get really involved in the music business, both playing live but also behind the scenes, and find creative solutions to boring problems! (I’m a bit of a tech nerd).

You can follow Jarrod Jeremiah on Facebook here, Twitter here, Instagram here and TikTok here.


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