INTERVIEW: Jiordy Is Ready To Take On 2021 (At Her Own Pace)
Jiordy. Photo by Stephanie Cammarano.
Melbourne singer Jiordy has been involved in the music industry for years, but 2020 saw her release her own music for the first time. Her thoughtful, vulnerable songwriting was an oasis in the dumpster fire of last year, and as Australia starts to resemble normality again, she’s preparing to take the next step.
I spoke to Jiordy about her first release of 2021, Vigor, and the meaning behind the song. Listening to it, you’ll feel slightly off-kilter - which I think sums up 2020 perfectly. I’ve been speaking to quite a few musicians recently about how they’re embracing a year that resembles familiarity much more than the last, and I think Jiordy captures the essence of how we’re all feeling. We’re not quite 100% ready, but we’ll get there.
I also interviewed Jiordy over TikTok, which you can watch here and here. I’m a big fan of Jiordy’s music, and I really appreciate her introspective answers! I think this is a great read, but I’ll let you be the judge of that. I might be a bit biased, after all.
Ben Madden: Firstly, can I get you to introduce yourself and your music?
Jiordy: I’m Jiordy – I started releasing my own music this time last year but was gigging/writing music for years before that. My music is always introspective, I think a lot. That is why my music is quite textured, it represents my thought processes. I want to make people feel things.
Vigor is your first single for 2021 – I wanted to ask how your songwriting has evolved over the last 12 months, and what you’re most excited for fans to pick up on from Vigor?
The way I write music, my process, is constantly evolving, and I feel stronger with every release. It’s very meditative for me. Writing and producing with my dear friend Jahn Rae is a real treat. We have so much fun, eat lots of snacks and go on this musical journey together. It’s very hypnotic and I think we are great at holding space for each other to try out whatever we want. Vigor is all about life force and energy so I want people to connect with the atmosphere that we tried to create.
It’s a track that talks about the “inner fire” that’s inside all of us. How do you keep that fire inside you burning?
I create, I move, I rest, I cook, I listen to music. I feel like I’m always moving to keep myself inspired. I feel that burn especially when I’m in the studio, it’s like everything is limitless and I’m where I need to be.
Vigor was inspired by a poem you wrote, and I think the link between poetry and music is one that is becoming more present, with artists like Lana Del Rey and Halsey releasing poetry books. How do you feel poetry informs your lyricism?
Yes! So important. For me, any way you can be creative - whether it be photography or video or music or fashion or poetry – it’s all interconnected. They’re all so important to me which is why I always put so much emphasis on visuals for example. The poem that inspired Vigor was written last year and it was about unlocking that potential, reaching that high whether it be through your own doing or by being around someone that has that effect on you.
I thought the sounds of children playing on the track were really nice touches. How much inspiration in your music comes from your external environment, versus finding inspiration internally?
Up until now, I didn’t really think of my inspiration as internal/external but you’re so right! I think subconsciously it’s just how I operate. I’m an overthinker so naturally, I’m always taking a lot in. I would say inspiration from music comes from about 60% internal and 40% external. I would be lying if I said I didn’t internalise a lot, which is why music is such a nice release for me.
2020 was a rough year for musicians, especially in Australia. How did you find yourself making the most of the year, and how have you taken those learnings into 2021?
COVID was a particularly grounding time for me. I had been writing for over a year before I released my debut single in April 2020 and although it was a weird time, I kind of got used to releasing music in lockdown. The stillness of last year enabled me to focus intently on each release which is positive. I’m definitely taking the same mindset into 2021 but now get to think about live shows and things like that which is super exciting.
If you had to compare your sound to a movie, which movie would you choose and why?
I’m thinking Chocolat – that probably makes no sense but I just love chocolate and that whimsical movie so I think if I could see my sound/me anywhere it would be at that delicious shop in France. Otherwise, something like Interstellar or Life of Pi.
Finally, what are your next few steps, both personally and music-wise?
I just want to create as much as I can and release music as often as I can. I want to play live shows, connect to new people and release a cohesive piece of work that is coming this year 😉. Personally, I’m quite a nonna so would love to keep the same pace from 2020. I’m not ready to socialise just yet!
You can follow Jiordy on Facebook here, Twitter here and Instagram here.