Ben Madden

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Gia Lowe Makes The Ordinary Sound Extraordinary On ‘Dopamine High’

Gia Lowe. Photo supplied.

Perth-based singer-songwriter and producer Gia Lowe captures the essence of humanity with her single Dopamine High. It’s a lofty claim, that one I stand by. The track comes off her debut EP, Why are you like this? and sees her looking into humanity’s often-destructive nature, and how we came to be this way. The track samples a microwave, bubbling water and birds to give the song a unique texture, and you’ll find your ear drawn to different sounds within her soundscapes upon every listen.

Dopamine High sees Gia trying to get to the bottom of why humans get involved in breadcrumbing - the act of leading someone on romantically through social media and texting. Throughout the song, Gia sings about someone who’s seen what their relationship is truly like, but isn’t able to pull away. They’re being pulled in two different directions, and they know what they should be doing - they’re just not strong enough.

Speaking about the track, Gia says she wants you to feel the music - not just listen to it. “I want to make music you can cry and dance to – music that connects people, that you don’t just hear but feel, that gives you goosebumps or the uncontrollable need to move your feet. That, in my opinion, is what music should be.” You’ll definitely get a boost of dopamine after listening to this track - she’s able to turn everyday sounds into something that you’ve never heard before.

There’s always a risk when you’re both laying down vocals and producing a track simultaneously, but Gia’s found the right balance. Neither aspect of the track overwhelms each other, and indeed, they both exist in harmony. Her soundscapes form a bed for her soaring vocals, and given her influences are artists like Banks, BROODS and Lorde, you can tell where she’s gotten her experimental edge from. However, her sound is uniquely yours - and as an artist only a few songs into their discography, that’s a great leaping off point to continue to expand and explore what her music will look like going forward.

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Check out Dopamine High below. Gia’s debut EP takes influence from the likes of Fleetwood Mac and Pendulum, and the result is an EP that’s experimental, but still is catchy as hell. Her appreciation for a range of music comes through on Dopamine High, and you’ll find yourself feeling introspective after the song’s finished. This one will get you thinking AND dancing - but maybe not at the same time (after all, when you’re on the dancefloor, you don’t want your mind to be racing). It’s a track that’s got some serious replay value - and I love the microwave sample!