Ben Madden

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Esoteric's ‘Colby (Change Your Mind)’ Captures The Uneasiness Of Growing Up

Esoteric. Photo by Teagan Cass.

Ballarat trio Esoteric are gearing up to release their debut EP, Disco Architect, and I’m calling it - it’s going to be a hell of a first full release. I stumbled across the track Colby (Change Your Mind) which is set to appear on Disco Architect, and immediately was hooked. There’s something slightly mysterious about the track, and it keeps the listener a couple of steps away from the magic. Despite this, you’ll find yourself wanting to listen to it repeatedly, trying to get to the bottom of the mystery. For me, the magic comes from the way that the band’s vocalist Shannen melds her voice with the high notes of the riffs. I’d love to know what you think gives this song that edge - I have a feeling everyone will have a different opinion.

I’m hypnotised by the synths on this track, and it’s always an enjoyable experience hearing a track that’s constantly building, before it peaks right at the end. Take yourself on a journey through the layers of Colby (Change Your Mind), and get lost in the psychedelic riffs that pepper the instrumentation of the track. I get a strong disco/techno vibe from the track, and I found myself imagining lots and lots of disco balls floating around me as I listened. It’s that kind of track - you’ll be whisked into another time and place.

Speaking about the track, Shannen says it’s a song that people will relate to in different ways. “Colby might sound like it’s a love song, or maybe a break-up song, and maybe it sounds personal, or maybe it sounds like something you’ve gone through recently. I feel like it’s an intense representation of the uncertainty and the unknown that you face in your 20s. You just want to be liked by other people, you want to fit into a group of like-minded people. You want to be loved and you want to be independent. I don’t know anyone called Colby, but maybe you do. We all have a Colby in a metaphorical sense don’t we?” Sometimes, we can’t help but succumb to the pressure of wanting to fit in - but this track stands out by taking risks with the synths and riffs that other bands might not. Thankfully, the payoff is immense.

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Check out Colby (Change Your Mind) below. Disco Architect is set to drop on February 12th, and I can’t wait to hear what the full release has in store. The EP is set to feature 7 tracks, with both “silky synth ballads” and “thumpin’ disco jams” set to appear on the EP. Since forming in mid-2019, Esoteric have been busy learning on the live stage from other Ballarat and Melbourne bands, and it comes through on Colby (Change Your Mind). I reckon this song will be a crowd favourite live, and hopefully, they play a gig out your way soon.

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