Sammy Honeysett Gives It Her All On ‘I C UR LIPS’

Sammy Honeysett. Photo supplied.

Sammy Honeysett. Photo supplied.

Sydney-based singer-songwriter Sammy Honeysett will set your ear/headphones on fire with her new track I C UR LIPS. If you’re not imagining yourself in a moshpit dancing to this track by the end of it, you might not be listening closely enough. The hypnotising bassline that starts the track will suck you in, and from there the track continues to pulsate. How about the guitar work on the track?

The track fits a lot into just three minutes and 23 seconds, and you’ll find yourself picking up on a different aspect of the track with every listen. If you’ve ever been scorned by someone or been through a break-up where you felt more affected than the other party then you’ll get some catharsis from this track. Maybe the word anthemic is used too liberally, but in this case, I mean it with my whole heart. This is HUGE.

Sammy’s voice is never overpowered by the instrumentation, allowing the bass, guitar and drums to wild out. She’s got some serious star power, and I’m very excited for more music from Sammy. If you’re a fan of rock music that cuts to the core of what it means to be alive, then give this a listen. You won’t regret it.

Speaking about the track, Sammy says it’s a track about how break-ups can feel clinical, and how people can be far too cold and unemotional. “I remember when I started off the song, I was reading break up messages and helping my girlfriend through it and I just remember her saying ‘I just don’t get how they could be so cold!’ and it started, it hit me. I knew what she was talking about through experience and went home with this angry feeling about the situation and poured it into this song.”

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Check out I C UR LIPS below. There’s a music video for the track coming soon, as well as her debut EP, Queen Of Wands. Set to drop in early April, it’ll contain more of Sammy’s brand of indie-rock, with a lot of witty and biting lyricism to match. This song really took me by surprise - in the best of ways. I’d love to see it played live, because it’ll take on a new life of its own. Get amongst it!


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