Ben Madden

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Treat Your Ears To The Sweet Sounds Of Nectar's ‘Caramel Blue’

Nectar. Photo by Jivan Ottogalli.

Western Australian soul rockers Nectar have just released their debut track, Caramel Blue, and it’ll instantly make you feel that little bit more relaxed. From the track’s vocals, to the guitar licks and riffs throughout the track’s soundscape, every aspect feels designed to take you towards a state of pure bliss. If you ask me, they’ve absolutely nailed it. It might only be their first track, but I’m already chomping at the bit to hear what’s next.

There’s something fully-formed and realised about Caramel Blue, and I was surprised to find out that it was their debut track. Each element of the track melds with the others to form a picture of where the band’s sound is going, and when they describe themselves as “fresh outta the oven”, it’s hard to disagree. They’ve clearly honed their sound on the live show (as shown by a glimpse at their Facebook page), and the proof is in the audio pudding.

Speaking about the track, the band says it’s about finding the thing that guides you through life. “The track follows the mind of someone struggling to get through their day to day life. They’re looking to find something that guides them through, whether it be something small or big.” It’s something that’s very relatable, especially in 2020. We’re all looking for a higher meaning, and some of us have found it, and some haven’t. No matter what situation you’re in, though, you’ll find yourself continuing to keep looking. We all need a guiding light to come from somewhere.

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Check out Caramel Blue below. It’s a track that I instantly connected with, and I reckon I’ll have it on repeat for a good while. The track’s instrumentation instantly got stuck in my brain, and it’s got me wanting to pick up the guitar again - though with tracks like these, I’m happy to live vicariously through these musicians. There’s something in the water when it comes to WA musicians and making truly stellar psychadelic music - you only need to look at Tame Impala and POND to see examples of where this band could take their sound in the not-too-distant future. You’ll want to keep note of the name Nectar. I’ve got a good feeling we’ll be seeing them shred it on some pretty big stages very, very soon - and I can’t wait to hear what’s next.