Ben Madden

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PREMIERE: Tamara And The Dreams' ‘LO-FI’ Now Has An Adorable Animation

Tamara And The Dreams. Photo supplied.

Tamara And The Dreams is the project of Tamara Reichman - a musician made for the Internet era. She’s recently released singles P1nk Sungl4sses and FUNNY!, some of the most insightful music I've heard this year. I’m a fan of Tamara’s music, and I’m so excited to be able to premiere a blast from the past for Tamara And The Dreams. Recently, Melbourne artist and animator Gabbie Rossiter (@apricotbanana) reached out to Tamara and gave her a wonderful gift. That gift? A music video for Tamara’s debut single LO-FI.

The video for LO-FI is a special one. Firstly, it’s Tamara’s first ever music video. What's more, the video came to be serendipitously. It's a result of Gabbie’s lockdown hobby - proof that despite the pandemic, artists have been able to be as creative as ever. It’s been nice seeing different artistic communities interact, and I’m such a fan of this video. LO-FI came out a year and a half ago, and the video gives the song a new life. You’ll find yourself falling in love with the track all over again (and why wouldn’t you)?

There’s something particularly apt about the lyrics of LO-FI in 2020. If Tamara told me she saw a global pandemic coming, I’d almost believe her. We’re going to get through this year, and there’s a sense of belief in LO-FI I find inspiring. I’ve been able to do things this year I’d never have had time to do otherwise, and I love that. LO-FI is a great reminder to enjoy your time alone - because it makes doing things with those you love that much better.

Speaking to me about the track’s video, and the evolution of the song, Tamara says, “One August night at 1am I got a notification that Gabbie had tagged me in a video, and I almost teared up watching the animation she'd created with my first song. Without ever meeting her or speaking to her, she'd created the perfect adorable lofi animation for the song.

“Within 10 minutes, I immediately asked her to make the rest of the video.  Gabbie captured all my favourite outfits, and the feeling of the song perfectly; knowing that things are sad now but they won't be like that forever, and the beauty you can find in boredom and loneliness, finding a catchy tune in the silence of your mind, or a poetic moment in the stillness, that allows you to live in the moment and get to know yourself better.”

“‘I survived the winter, now it’s pretty sunny, the way the seasons always change my mood is always funny’ has never meant more than now. When I wrote LO-FI 2 years ago i didn't know how apt my lyrics about isolation, finger-biting, second-hand clothes, and hard Melbourne winters would be.

“In a way, the way the seasons changed this year caused different feelings than usual - late summer turned to autumn as we came to terms with the new normal, and going into winter was perversely joyful as we were coming out of lockdown. I've been content lately to put on my jacket and go for my walks in the rain and call my friends on the phone. Very soon it will be sunny, and we will have survived the winter, again.”

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Check out the video for LO-FI below. Music is at its best when artists inspire each other to create. It’s no secret that I see writing as an art, and as a writer I’m inspired by Tamara and Gabbie’s ability to collaborate. This video is super cute and really captures the heart of the song. If you ask me, that’s the mark of a great music video. Keep a particular eye out for the variety of outfits that animated Tamara wears throughout the video. You’ll get some fashion inspiration. I guarantee it.