Ben Madden

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Lauren Ojurovic’s ‘Into The Sun’ Will Boost Your Mood

Lauren Ojurovic. Photo supplied.

Sydney-based RnB/pop artist Lauren Ojurovic’s new track Into The Sun feels like you’re walking towards a sunset, and it’ll instantly make your day a bit better. I’m a big fan of the song’s dreamy production - for me, it feels like the kind of song that’d soundtrack a modern-day adaptation of a fairytale. I’m all in on this track - it’s perfect for this time of year, and as we head into autumn, it’ll help you capture the magic of the first leaves falling off the trees.

To me, it’s a track about being in your own world, and not letting outside influences dictate your mood. I think that’s a really important message, and the delicate, glassy production captures this. If you’re looking to be in your own bubble, it can be a hard balance between letting people in, and keeping the wrong people out. Get the balance wrong, and that tranquility shatters. Thankfully, Lauren seems to have found that balance - and she’s celebrating that feeling of freedom.

Speaking about the track, Lauren says the track is a representation of re-capturing her energy, and her inspiration. “After coming out of a period where I felt I had lost some of my magic, Into The Sun is me coming back into myself and feeling the warmth and rush of inspiration. Listening to it takes me straight back to that dreamy mind set and I never want to leave!! Into The Sun is a comforting reminder that you will always come back to yourself.”

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Check out Into The Sun below. For now, the track is only out on triple j Unearthed, but expect an official release in the near future. Lauren uploaded it as a “secret little drop” for Unearthed, but that’s where I find a lot of the stuff I write about, and I’m so glad I came across this track! If you’re looking for a bit more positivity in your life, or just want to celebrate having a great day, then press play on this track. It’ll give you exactly what you’re looking for, whatever that may be.

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