Ben Madden

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Harvest’s ‘same place’ Proves The SoundCloud Era Is Alive And Well

Harvest. Photo supplied.

Australian musician harvest has teamed up with America’s Softheart for his latest single, same place. There’s a level of refreshing sincerity that I feel when I listen to harvest’s music. He’s clearly excited about working with Softheart, and there’s no pretence to the music. Everything about this track comes from harvest’s desire to make the sounds he wants to, rather than acquiescing to the will of those in power. I love it.

Music exists outside the structures where we’re taught to look for new music. The SoundCloud era isn’t dead, it’s just stopped being monetised as heavily by the music industry. I think same place is a song that captures why people fell in love with artists making music on SoundCloud in the first place. It’s music that sounds like it’s from the future, but it’s here today. Does it fit inside the structures of genre? Probably not. Does it need to? No way.

Speaking about the track, Harvest says, “I'd definitely say that this song was formed thanks to the internet. Platforms like SoundCloud & Spotify are definitely the major reasons that all of my collaborations exist, especially in this instance where I am working with a friend who lives across the globe!

“The internet allowed me to first discover Softheart years ago, which in turn let me eventually collaborate with him on tracks like this! This song is really special to me because I was a fan of his music for years, so it is a great feeling knowing I am able to finally make music with him.”

What does it mean to be an artist in 2020? Are you forced to bend to the will of what’s hot when creating, or do you continue on your own path? Harvest exists in a subculture that I feel I don’t know enough about to fully explore, but I find that exciting! His Instagram bio reads “hi i make noises” and I think that’s as good a summary of same place as anything else. Harvest makes noises, and they sound great.

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Check out same place below. On the track, harvest sings that it’s “an exercise in showing restraint” and I couldn’t agree more. Same place is a somewhat subdued affair, but that’s to the track’s benefit, not detriment. Harvest has produced a track that’s unlike anything I’ve heard this year, and I find that truly exciting.

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